Astrology and Us

Your Stellar Signature Style!
Picture this….
You are standing in front of your closet to get dressed for the day. It is full of clothes that lift your spirit and delight your senses: color, fabric, texture, and, of course, your very own signature style. Best of all, you choose your outfit for the day with ease because each garment brings you joy and reflects the special woman you know yourself to be!
In twelve short weeks, this could be your reality!
Your Stellar Style includes...
Six biweekly one-hour private Zoom video style sessions with me
Six biweekly check-in Zoom calls with me
A style-focused astrology reading that will inform our work together
A body-beautiful and color-confident analysis
Five wardrobe capsule suggestions styled by me and inspired by the clothes in your own closet
Tips for organizing your closet, caring for special garments, and a personalized shopping list, as needed
Helpful printable downloads to enhance your learning experience
A self-care session tailored just for you!
You will learn...
Your Signature Style!
Ways to overcome obstacles that prevent you from presenting your signature style
How to dress your unique, beautiful body
What colors look great on you and make you feel wonderful
About yourself and your style! As informed by your astrological birth chart!
How to organize your closet and create clothing capsules to make getting dressed fun, simple, and stress-free!
Your wardrobe worries are OVER!
Your Signature Style journey begins now!
Let's begin with a complimentary Signature Style planning session!